This module is for calculating defaults for regular and correction return if any. In order to do this, click on the relevant Form No. for selecting the Return to check for possible defaults.

Predict Defaults

The following screen will get displayed:

Predict Defaults
Predict Defaults

Select the Return for which the Default needs to be checked (Select the ‘Financial Year’, ‘Quarter’ and ‘Company’). Click on ‘Predict Defaults’ & the following screen will appear:

Predict Defaults
Predict Defaults

It will find out Short Deduction, Late Payments, Late Deductions if any. It will also calculate Late Fee for filing the return.

Short Deduction: In case any value is found under ‘Short Deduction’ click on ‘View’ for the details displayed as under:

Predict Defaults - Short Deduction

Late Payment: In case any value is found under ‘Late Payment’ click on ‘View’ for the details displayed as under:

Predict Defaults - Late Payment

Late Deduction: In case any value is found under ‘Late Deduction’ click on ‘View’ for the details displayed as under:

Predict Defaults - Late Deduction

Late Filing Fee: In case, the return has not ben filed ‘On Time’, one needs to check the ‘Late Filing Fee’ that needs to be paid based on the date on which it would be filed. To do so, enter the Current Date & click on ‘View’. The payable fee will get displayed as under:

Predict Defaults - Late Filing Fee

One needs to enter the filing date based on which the ‘Late Filing Fee’ would be calculated and displayed.

Challan Status

Challan Status 2

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